Among all kinds of computer problems faced by the modern computer users, problems in the network card are the common ones. Network card actually works as a bridge between a computer and the network. According to the computer and networking experts, once the network adepter goes on the fritz, the computer users start  suffering from a number of network related troubles for which they practically can’t able to work. Here, in this article we will discuss about some of the most commonly experienced malfunctions of network cards and will focus on their solutions. Network connection errors: you will find two indicator lights in a network card, these two LEDs are of green colored and orange/red colored. The green indicator shows that the network card is receiving electricity and on the other side the Red light indicates sending and receiving data. According to the mechanism, when the network card is working properly then the lights will be sustained and will only flick while transmitting data. But, on the contrary if you find the indicators emitting too brightly or too lightly then it will be for sure that there must be some problems in your network card going on. Sometimes, this kind of indications appears when the card is poorly connected with the PCI card.  It is often seen that if a user often plugs the net cards or move the computer frequently then this type of problem arises. Moreover, if there is too much of dust in the network card then different kinds of problems can appear. So, clean your computer and the network card on a regular basis this will enhance the longevity of your network card and will help you to enjoy a hassle-free network connection. Problem in the Magnetic Field: As the network drivers are easily interrupted by the magnetic field that’s why always keep in mind that do not put your computer near certain devices like, fridge, oven and TV, because all of them have very strong magnetic field. Errors in the network cables: network cables play a crucial role in network connectivity and if your network cable or the connectors are of poor quality then it would definitely affect the network card’s operation. Well, these are the most common reasons of network card problems, apart from these there are several other reasons associated with this type of problem. In order to stay cool in all those situations, online PC troubleshooting services would be the perfect choice for you. The online computer support services would help you to fix all kinds of computer problems in easiest of manner without wasting much of your precious time and money.